Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What the hell is Avalon?

You might be wondering what Avalon is. I understand that Avalon dates back to the time of King Arthur and was a magical island in the middle of a misted lake where wise women lived. For more information you can check out this site:

Whatever the truth about it, I see Avalon as a metaphor for the place within us all that connects us to the God/dess, the heart, our Divine inspiration.

One of the most beautiful passages about Avalon I have ever read comes from the incredible, Marianne Williamson, in her book, A Return to Love. Here is an except from that book...

Avalon is a magical island that is hidden behind huge impenetrable mists.
Unless the mists part, there is no way to navigate your way to the island.
But unless you believe the island is there, the mists won’t part.

Avalon symbolises a world beyond the world we see with our physical eyes.
It represents a miraculous sense of things, the enchanted realm that we knew as children.
Our childlike self is the deepest level of our being. It is who we really are and what is real doesn’t go away.
The truth doesn’t stop being the truth just because we’re not looking at it.
Love merely becomes clouded over, or surrounded by mental mists.

Avalon is the world we knew when we were still connected to our softness, our innocence, our spirit.
It’s actually the same world we see now, but informed by love, interpreted gently, with hope and faith and a sense of wonder.
It’s easily retrieved because perception is a choice.
The mists part when we believe Avalon is behind them.

And that’s what a miracle is: a parting of the mists, a shift in perception, a return to love.

An excerpt from A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

So, what do you think about that concept?

May you all discover (or rediscover) your own Avalon.

Love and light, Beth


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