Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Remembering where you have come from

A wise friend of mine told me this one - Remember where you have come from. The same sage who talked about balance and perspective. She is gold that girl. A real diamond. An inspiration.

So today I start with it.

I have been doing this retrospective thing lately. It is not past naval gazing or anything massively introspective to seek solace. It has come out of this strange realisation that I have learned so much great stuff along the way and like with my art work, instead of constantly creating creating pushing forward and seeking new insights, why not start sharing what I have discovered and then new stuff will reveal itself as and when needed.

So, I am sorting out years of photos into some semblance of order, reviewing poetry writings and wanderings, finishing my novela which is packed full of love and juicy deliciousness. I am going to go back over my sketchbooks.

I am also researching and learning new terrain as I am a glutton for that kind of stuff. And I have also realised I need to meet people. I feel I have sat on my own for too long. I need a reality check. I need to get out more. I need to connect and share myself and others.

I have no idea where it is all heading but I am so comfortable not knowing right now. I am sure the pieces of the puzzle will all fit together.

So I am following my nose and keeping it simple and real. Can't get better than that.

And I found this gem from one of my first blog posts as I was revisiting this blog. I was going to start a new one but why not just carry on.

So here is a lovely little story from me to you back from 2006.

Before I was a Mummy, before I reconnected with my inner artist, before we moved to Spain, before I knew that sometimes you have to fall out of love with someone to really see them and fall in love with the real them not just who you think they are, before I realised that an 8/10 life was going to be pretty awesome because not having it all isn't a cop out, it's life...

So, to the story...

I was having a chat last night with a girl in a club and for some reason she asked me what I had learned about meditating. I'm not even sure how the question came about, as I must have said something about it in my cocktail-ified state, but anyway, I thought it was an interesting question and I said, 'are you sure you want to know?' and she said 'yes', so this is what I said...

I've learned to watch the biochemistry of my brain change from one state to another and the change does pass.
I've seen that 'all this' ie the physical/material world in which we live, is simply detail.
That buddhist monks rock, and by that I mean I am hard pressed to find a more worthy way to spend one's time than seeking enlightenment and the truth of who you are.
That intention is crucial.
That there are only two choices - love and fear.

I think I might add to this list as I go on.

So, that's it from me for tonight. May the force be with you!

Monday, February 18, 2013

I am really back this time

After a long hiatus, I am putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
Since I was here last time, I have studied a Foundation in Visual Arts and had a solo art exhibition, grown my baby into a primary schooler, read copius books, moved countries, put on a few kilograms, taken them off again, grown my hair a bit longer, made some new friends, supported a friend with her perfect delivery experience, finished my novela, fallen back in love with my man, and most importantly, grown in love and gratitude for my daily blessings.
Despite all the chaos in the world at the moment, all the pain and suffering, I still choose to focus on the love. I still believe it is a stronger force than fear and I will keep banging on about that until my dying day!
And now I feel it is time for me to reach out in service to that love to anyone that could benefit from it. May all your hearts come to know joy and peace.
I still don't really know how this love will manifest in the world. I am not really even sure what my gifts are or how I can show people how awesome they are. I just know there is a boundless universe inside all of us and just for today I am going to be amazed and wondrous about that!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Overwhelming can become simply a challenge

Sometimes there needs to be some hope before an overwhelming situation can become simply a challenge.

I love this.

This came to me today as I realised that an ongoing situation which has seemed very big and looming, now seems to be OK.

I don't know if it is that I have some clarity or more confidence to deal with it, but today for the first time, I realised I felt up for it. That I could do it. That I would not have been given this opportunity to grow and learn if it wasn't part of some Divine plan for me and those involved.

So, let's celebrate our challenges and help each other when we feel overwhelmed to realise that we can do it.

Love and peaceful light


Monday, May 16, 2011

You are not your physicality

Ugh! I feel so fat today and ugly. Got some passport photos taken. And I look yellow. And tried. And OLD! I am feeling so low that I am not sure if they will send my passport back and say that even though I looked like a giant headed prawn in my last photo, that I have aged so much in 10 years that I am unrecognisable. Just writing this makes me feel better because a) who cares b) I think I am being a little irrational!

So, I am over-identifying with my physicality and not loving it! I must remind myself that sure, I can take care of my body and feed it healthy food and give it exercise and treat it with love. That is good to keep the house in order.

But I also know deep down that is not who I am. Yeah well it is some weird saturn full moon happening right now, so forgive me for being a little darker than usual! But there is so much over-identification with the body these days.

Maybe this is a chance to remind me so I can remind you lovely people out there in love land this: You are that which breathes you. You are the witness of the body and the mind and even the emotions. But you are not your body.

So, all is well really. I just forgot that for a moment. So if I want to start a new eating plan or exercise more or whatever, sure, that'd be nice. But it can be a joyous loving care, rather than a a fear based chore. I am also going to do a nice exercise for my art class which will be some life drawings of my body. Was pretty confronting getting some photos taken, but there is one that looks pretty good. Because no matter what, there is something we love about ourselves even if it is just one of the hairs on our head.

So my wish for today is that may all beings know the joy and wonder of their precious heart no matter what sort of house it comes in. And may I see the wonder, love, joy and essence of all beings regardless of their physicality.

Love and light


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Allowing being

I am reading at the moment a wonderful book called ¨A New Earth¨by Eckhart Tolle. He is the guy who wrote ¨Power of Now¨. There is so much wisdom in those pages and it´s one of those books that transforms your psyche as you read it.

Among the many gifts that he offers in the book is the notion that the ego feeds on drama and negativity and the more we feed into and react to that, the bigger it gets in ourselves and others. No wonder the world is going mad when we are all trying to assert ourselves and convince others we are right or tell other people how to live their lives or understand ourselves so completely we forget to live... the list of dramas and issues and paths to unhappiness are countless.

Anyway in this book, he offers a perspective so wonderfully simple that i must try and share it here.

In my understanding, he talks about:

Making peace with the present moment. Fully accept it. Love it. Embrace it. Don´t try to change it. Just allow it. And when you do that, you cease to continue to feed the ego.

And remember this too will pass. All form is transitory and passing.

Oh and don´t get attached to who you think you are. For who you are cannot be found in the mind. You are the stillness. You are the expansive space between. You are the formless and not the form.

Isn´t that just beautiful.

Anyway, maybe you just need to read the book yourself.

Has anyone else read the book?

I'm back!

Well hello there. I've missed you. This is the first day I have written in ages but I am so glad to be here.

Since I was last here, I have been on many journeys and have now become the proud author of my book, Evolution: A Creative Journey to Inner Peace (available on; and all good online retailers).

It is beautiful to have completed that journey and now I want it to be available to whoever would benefit from it in a positive way. So let the angels work their magic.

So remember this:
You are your own truest friend
Most tender lover
And wisest sage.

Let me know what you think of my book!

Love and light


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Allowing Being

I am reading at the moment a wonderful book called ¨A New Earth¨by Eckhart Tolle. He is the guy who wrote ¨Power of Now¨. There is so much wisdom in those pages and it´s one of those books that transforms your psyche as you read it.

Among the many gifts that he offers in the book is the notion that the ego feeds on drama and negativity and the more we feed into and react to that, the bigger it gets in ourselves and others. No wonder the world is going mad when we are all trying to assert ourselves and convince others we are right or tell other people how to live their lives or understand ourselves so completely we forget to live... the list of dramas and issues and paths to unhappiness are countless.

Anyway in this book, he offers a perspective so wonderfully simple that i must try and share it here.

In my understanding, he talks about:

Making peace with the present moment. Fully accept it. Love it. Embrace it. Don´t try to change it. Just allow it. And when you do that, you cease to continue to feed the ego.

And remember this too will pass. All form is transitory and passing.

Oh and don´t get attached to who you think you are. For who you are cannot be found in the mind. You are the stillness. You are the expansive space between. You are the formless and not the form.

Isn´t that just beautiful.

Anyway, maybe you just need to read the book yourself.

Has anyone else read the book?