Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Autumn colour

I know, it's winter. And this is an autumn picture. Except that it was taken on a freezing December morning when I braved the cold to go for a 5km run around Wimbledon Common (and yes, I am still feeling virtuous about that even if it is February!).

I thought the colours were so beautiful and it still amazes me that you can get such good snaps on a mobile phone camera. I once told a market research client that having a camera on a mobile phone was the way forward and they laughed at me. Oh well....

So, here's to radiant colour and happy days...even if the sun don't shine outside, it can still shine inside!


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