Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Winter wardrobe

I decided at the beginning of the winter that I wasn’t going to buy any new clothes for the season. Oh except a couple of scarves from a London market (I think they were 3 for £5).

The reasons were I wanted to be more creative with my wardrobe, I have more than enough in a world where so many have so little, and I wanted to appreciate what I have more.

It started out quite randomly, but as the winter has progressed, I have found it to be a wonderful experience.

I have worn something different everyday. I have discovered a whole load of clothes I’d forgotten about. I dress more creatively making better use of colour and accessories. I have realised how much crap I used to buy for the sake of buying something. I have developed an appreciation for nice things so thinking it’s better to buy quality than in bulk.

I’ve enjoyed it so much I’ve decided to do it for summer too!


  • At 11:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Bethy
    Love the blog. Just wanted to remind you about the 'black bag party' ie: get all the clothes you are bored with, grown too big or too small for, put them in a black bag, invite your friends to do the same and get together for a swap. Anything that doesn't find a new home can be given to a charity shop. I am due to have one soon.
    Much love, Rach

  • At 9:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a great idea, Rach. Thanks for letting me know! And thanks for being brave enough to leave a comment on here. xxxx

  • At 9:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What a great idea. I need to tell my wife about this!

  • At 2:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I subscribe to this less is more theory on clothes. Find some pieces you love and wear them to death. Then you don't feel bad going out and buying (and perhaps spending a little more) replacements. I only have to go shopping and see rack upon rack of the same junk to realise that I don't want to wear what everyone else is wearing anyway.

    As well as giving away to general charity shops I also know of a charity that takes pre-loved business clothes and give them to women who are appearing in court. At least you know they're going to someone who is really in need of them.

    Good luck with your blog.

    Love Pen

  • At 5:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Can you give me the name of the charity for business clothes. I think I can certainly find something in my wardrobe for them.


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