Cycles - beginnings and endings
Even the Beloved noticed it when he said to me in bed the other night: 'The wheels of change are turning once again'. Living in London, these cycles are painfully obvious as we say goodbye to friends every 2 or 3 years.
We are all ending one cycle and beginning another.
People are relocating, moving house, changing jobs, beginning and ending relationships, reassessing, moving through this plane into the next, getting results on projects that may have been slow to start even if the intent is good.
I'm not sure about other people, or whether it's just me, but for some reason it feels really exciting.
I've lived in transitions for years, and they can surely be a time of chaos, disquiet, sadness, uncertainty. When you know you can't stay where you are, but are not sure how you are going to move forward.
So, today, I want to say if life seems like it's in a state of complete chaos, don't worry. It's just the universe shaking things up a bit so people get closer to where they are meant to be, or take the next step of their sacred quest.
So, enjoy. Clean the house. Cook a nice meal. Make a phone call you've been putting off. Do something you've always wanted to do.
Or just sit quietly with a cup of tea and wait for it to pass.
We are all ending one cycle and beginning another.
People are relocating, moving house, changing jobs, beginning and ending relationships, reassessing, moving through this plane into the next, getting results on projects that may have been slow to start even if the intent is good.
I'm not sure about other people, or whether it's just me, but for some reason it feels really exciting.
I've lived in transitions for years, and they can surely be a time of chaos, disquiet, sadness, uncertainty. When you know you can't stay where you are, but are not sure how you are going to move forward.
So, today, I want to say if life seems like it's in a state of complete chaos, don't worry. It's just the universe shaking things up a bit so people get closer to where they are meant to be, or take the next step of their sacred quest.
So, enjoy. Clean the house. Cook a nice meal. Make a phone call you've been putting off. Do something you've always wanted to do.
Or just sit quietly with a cup of tea and wait for it to pass.
At 4:29 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi lovely
...a very appropriate message from you at this time of year. Spring is here on this side of the world and life is starting to move again after a long winter.
Thinking of you and your beloved.
Love Rach
At 9:04 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi Rach! Thanks for leaving a message. We are slowing down after the summer, but I love September and re-turning the attention inward. Especially when it is going to be broken by a month of summer in Oz! How are you going, honey?
At 2:45 am,
Anonymous said…
Thank you Beth, I needed that today.
At 11:54 am,
Anonymous said…
My dear girls Beth and Rach .. how lucky I am to have you both in my world ... A wonderful celebration last night to farwell winter with one of you. And sharing wonderful words with another ... Blessed are we. H
At 1:06 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi Beth, Trish's 'little sister' jill here, or your distant cousin. I can never remember the family tree connection. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi, I love your Blog and I have been meaning to contact you for ages now. I wanted to share with you and your readers a link to a very inspiring bit of reading, I have also emailed you the link, but I may have got your email address wrong. Anyway here it is Namaste jill
At 3:08 pm,
Anonymous said…
Thank you all for your comments. I really want this to be a site of sharing and support and just keeping in touch. It's so hard living away from people I love. Am printing off the words you sent the link to, Jill. It looks beautiful. Will read in bed tonight! Lots of love, light and peace to you all. Beth 'the hippy'!
At 9:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi Jill
I have tried to put this as a link on my site and it is refusing to work - just goes to blank page. I will try again tomorrow. I've got it printed to read. I think readers contribution would be good...
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