Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Not all grains are created equal

I had heard of people being intolerant to wheat and of course there are caeliacs who are allergic to gluten. But recently I have been learning that there are a lot of other grains people are not able to digest properly.

One of my friends has dropped a dress size in 4 weeks simply by cutting out the grains which were causing her terrible IBS.

I have a sensitive body which seems to want to be fed only healthy and loving foods. OK, so a sensitive and intelligent body.

But sometimes it's a bit of a drag, especially when I find it hard to figure out what it actually wants. Anyway, on my detox, I still had a bloated stomach at times and I was following that thing to a t. I noticed it was when I had rice, and I've thought for a while that rice isn't great for me. Not even brown short grain, the world's most absorbant complex carbohydrate.

When I saw my kinesiologist last week, she did some testing on me and discovered that for my body, rice, wheat and oats are out, and rye, millet, barley and corn are in. So, I am giving it a go to see if it does make a difference. What a wonderful world of discovery awaits.

I found a recipe for:
Millet muffins (imagine raspberry and fig millet muffins)
Ryvitas - how much do I love ryvitas and I never eat them...with hommous and cherry tomatos, with peanut butter
Corn on the cob - summer loving the corn with olive oil and pepper or popped with balsamic vinegar and salt and Barley - barley soup is just about one of the most nurturing soups known to man. It positively transforms a bowl of vege soup....

So, here's to the less popular grains out there. Thanks for being there!


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