Start again

Many years ago, I did a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat. It was a wonderful experience to learn meditation and a skill I still use today pretty much on a daily basis. Every morning we used to get up about 4.30am and listen to chanting from one of the monks and one of the things that he used to say quite a lot was 'start again'. When the mind loses its way and goes off on a seemingly never ending tangent, you can simply regather yourself and refocus on the breath and start again.
Today, this is particularly relevant for me. I have found myself caught in a negative cycle with an important relationship and at something of an impasse as to where to go from here.
I sat down in front of my alter, lit 3 candles - one for the other person, one for myself and one for us and asked for divine assistance as to where to go from here.
Very quickly I heard the words, Let it go. Let what go? All of it was the reply. Then I was moved to write on a piece of paper all the things that were annoying me about the other person. Then on the other side I wrote all the things I love about that person. Then I burnt it. Then I did the same for myself - all the things I don't like about myself and all the things I do. Then I burnt that also.
Then, I drew a love heart and in the middle of it wrote all the things I wanted to keep in my heart. My list included things like trust, forgiveness, honesty, kindness, freedom, sanctuary, but other people might put different things in there. At the bottom in big letters I wrote Start Again.
I didn't burn this one, because I wanted to remind myself of the important things for me.
So often in relationships, we lose our way and forget what it was that brought us together in the first place. But it is the qualities of love and friendship that constantly need to be reaffirmed and lived both in ourselves and in the other person.This is the painting I did of it.
So today, for anyone who is struggling with a relationship or at an impasse of some form, why not try the above exercise? You might feel better for it.
At 8:36 am,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful post beth. I have been going though, and will probably continue to go through, a huge transition in my life from no Spiritual beliefs to beginning my new life with new Spiritual beliefs. I hope that the relationships in my life will continue to be able to share my journey. I have a wonderful husband who is supporting me fully, even though his belief is we are born, we live then we die, simple as that. As long as I don't freak him out too much by talking about Angels and the like. I try and meditate every day, and i connect with my support network every morning and evening with my Angel cards, and if I have quiet time during the day where I can just sit and be still. I can't imagine going back to 'normal' life now. I love the inner peace that comes each day from knowing that only Love is real. I also love visiting your blog site each day and reading your posts, it reminds me I'm not alone. Thanks Beth
At 10:23 am,
Anonymous said…
Dear Jill I am so pleased for you to have discovered this wonderful and in my view 'real' life. The rest is just detail as far as I am concerned. You could never go back even though at times you may have moments of wishing you could go back to 'blissful ignorance' which of course is not truely blissful, but it does sometimes seem easier I suppose... There will probably be times when you feel lost from it, but for me, that is when creativity helps, like painting and writing. Or remembering to meditate. Funnily enough I am going to sit for a day on sunday in silent meditation. Ahhhh peeeacceeeee........ Would be great to see you at christmas and meet your little man. Keep on the journey, darling heart. You are loved beyond measure (as the angels tell us we all are if we have to ears to hear it). Love Beth xoxoxooxox
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