Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

5 minutes for yourself

Famous last words on the routine concept in my last entry. My life is never in a routine and hasn't been for the last 10 years. As soon as I try and establish one, it gets out of whack. This tells me a) I am very disorganised or b) the nature of my work is erratic and therefore inconsistent from one week to the next or c) I am one to get bored easily so sabotaging any chance of routine or d) I am addicted to drama and chaos.

I think I know the answer, but anyway, I am here now and do apologise for the delay in writing.

I have, however, managed to have a couple of days 'on the sofa' (or what you might call down time) since last here, which I have to say has been utterly blissful and exceptionally good for my soul.

Here is the thought for today for all of you out there whose lives are busy, chaotic, stressful, never a minute to sit down -ish. There is time for 5 minutes for yourself. There really is. So why not take it.

Light a candle and ask that it connect you to the Divine Source of all that is good and peaceful and loving (or whatever you want to call it). Then sit (a nice cup of tea may help get you in the mood for this one). Just sit and be grateful for this moment.

Be at peace
Count your blessings
Sit quietly
Let inspiration fill you

Graceful moments
Of nothing-ness
Of Be-ing

Let it wash over you
Let it wash you clean

Smell the gentle fragrance of
vanilla mixed with lilly (or whatever your candle or flowers or house or place you are in smells of)

The candle quietly
dedicated to peace, love and inspiration.

Let me know if you feel better after a few moments of relaxation. You deserve it.

PS If you claim you cannot make 5 minutes for yourself, then let me know and I will light a candle for you!

If you don't have any flowers in your house, maybe today is the perfect day to buy yourself some.

I hope you have a beautiful day!

Love Beth


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