Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Finding peace in chaos

It has been an unsettling start to 2-007. I think there is something in the air round here because lots of people have said it feels like they are kind of floating about without any real sense of purpose or joy. I've not managed to get to the bottom of it, but I think it might be something planetary!

Anyway, as we are in the dark time of the year (ie winter) on this side of the planet, I've been doing a little bit of introspection and come to the following conclusion. (well it could be winter, it could be me, or it could be this annoying little mid life crisis I had recently. am still having I expect. something to do with being closer to 50 than 20. it's a wierd wierd concept and I am struggling to get my head around it).

Anyway, the point is, I had this little revelation recently and it was quite nice in that I felt better for having had it. It's like I have to recalibrate my brain again to be comfortable with it but I found something peaceful there that I wasn't expecting.

And (drumroll please), the revelation was this: Life's not about getting to the point where everything is all OK, but rather about being OK with where you are at in the moment.

Then you can put all your effort, love and focus into what you are doing right now, rather than getting disappointed with things may not be working out as you would want them to or planned them to. It allows for gratitude for the small blessings. It allows for space to breathe and make mistakes and try new things. It allows for dreaming but not for us to be solely focused on the achievement of goals and aims. It allows heart space to BE.

It means that when life starts throwing harder and harder challenges at us(which it probably will as one gets older, kids, work, money and all that, and blessed be if not), then we can be prepared to enjoy the ride.

Don't you just love it?!


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