Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Relaxation deficit

I think I've just stumbled across something major. No really.

OK, so I was thinking about how I seem to be tired all the time. It's winter. No amount of sleep is enough, and I can't sleep all the time. I've got to do stuff like work, eat, you know, do stuff. And it's not really about being tired. I feel like I am exhausted, but the thing is, as soon as I start doing stuff again, I find my threshold for stress has declined.

I was talking about this with a friend of mine. We're not burnt out burnt out as in need to sit in the foetal position on the sofa for a month eating chocolate and watching inspiring films. At the core, we both feel knackered and like we want to have a break. She wants to just stop working for 6 months. I want to just have a few months off to just Be.

I feel like after 10 years of my job, I have built up some kind of deficit. It's true that I have had (and am working on healing) a rather stressed out body. I don't feel stressed but the body is. If that makes sense.

I feel that at a cellular level, deep within me, is tired. And I don't think a few more sofa days will fix it.

I realised that I don't have that much relaxation time in my life. Time to just relax. I tend to associate relaxation with doing nothing, but it doesn't have to be. It's when you let go, get some head space, relax the body and let it rejuvenate.

I feel like I have a relaxation deficit.

So, I got on the internet and typed in 'relaxation deficit'. I don't think anyone much has talked of this except in science experiments with rats or mice, or in relation to some phenomenon with the heart. It is physiological, but it feels psychological and spiritual.

You heard it first here, folks.

What do you think?

Could there be such a thing as a relaxation deficit? I think I am going to try and find out more...

After a cup of tea that is!


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