Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ana sites - may upset some readers

It sounded to me like a virus...or perhaps a harsh new pharmaceutical drug. But no, Ana or should I say Pro-Ana is actually a predominantly web based movement promoting Anorexia.

Well, that's what it seems like anyway.

How to cover up to your family that you are not eating anything, 'thinspirational'/ motivational pictures of celebrities pre rehab, foods to promote your metabolism, chat rooms to show off your newly visible rib cage.

Sounds to me a bit like a depression support group where they talk about ways of committing suicide.

But like all things, there are two sides to every story and if such a movement really has gripped the minds, the bodies and perhaps even the hearts of many thousands? hundreds of thousands? of young women (and probably some men) in the western (and possibly other parts of the) world, then in my view, people, we have a problem.

I'm not going to make it my mission to uncover the psychological reasons why people use these sites, or to profess to know much at all about anorexia or other eating disorders, but I wanted to let you know that this is happening.

Here is a site that looked quite balanced in its views if you want to find out more:

So, today, I send a little prayer to all those who think starving themselves is the answer to their pain or trouble or whatever motivates or drives them to first seek and then follow this path.

May you find a different kind of peace that is loving, kind and gentle for your precious soul...


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