Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Making a sacred space

I have, for many years, had a special place in my home set aside as an Altar. This is the place in the house where I have some of my special things.

It reminds me that I need to make time for being quiet and focusing on the Divine in one form or another. As I have lived in cities or rented one room of an apartment or house, space has been at a premium. But this has not stopped me from setting up camp on anything from a table to a covered shoe box!

All you need to set up an altar is:
  • A bit of space eg on the floor or on a table or shelf somewhere
  • A scarf or piece of fabric to cover it (if you want to)
  • Things that have special meaning for you eg photos, bits of shell or rocks, a piece of jewellery, a card, a painting or picture you have done...
  • A candle (I think this invokes loving beings to the space)
  • An image of a Diety or Angelic being that you can relate to eg Buddha, Jesus, Mary....
  • Some people even put fresh flowers or burn incense on their altar - it's entirely up to you

Then, as you set up the space and assemble your altar, ask that it be a place where you can come to renew yourself or find peace in yourself or make quiet time for reflection - whatever you feel you need it to be.

This site has quite a few references to books give ideas to help you design your altar:

So, here's to altars and making a space to celebrate the Divine in our daily lives!


  • At 2:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bless you! I love my altar and sometimes I realise I haven't been there in ages and it's nice to just spend some time to reconnect and regroup amidst the busy crazy game of life...

  • At 12:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Beth, I followed the link on Trish's Blog to your beautiful site. I visited once before, but didn't stay long. Not because i wasn't interested, but because I never used to allow MYSELF the time to sit and read. But I was drawn back to it tonight, like I am finding with a lot of things in my life right now. It's funny, Trish and I were just talking this morning on the phone about having our own special place. I am beginning, or revisiting my own spiritual journey right now. Years ago I fell in love with the belief in God, but was turned off by organised religion. But I am in love with the notion that everything is energy, that there is a Higher presence. Buddhist philosophy makes a great deal of sense to me. It always has, but I am now finally taking the time for myself to explore it. I hope you don't mind, but I would love to get your email address from Trish and talk with you about angels, guides, crystals and all these wonderful things I'm learning more about. With love, "Trish's little sister", Jill.


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