Dry skin brushing
I’m not expert, but I can’t help thinking when I see various lotions, potions and treatments advertised for cellulite, that a good dose of dry skin brushing would probably improve things no end to banish that ‘orange peel' look.
I’m no skinny minny, but I’ve not got a major problem with cellulite. And one of the reasons I think is:
Dry skin brushing.
All you need is a loofah which you use on dry skin (not wet which can drag your skin). Make sure the movements are in the direction of the heart. Good bit of exercise first thing in the morning. Environmentally friendly. Cheap.
Drinking plenty of water always helps for these things too (not that I am very good with that either).
And if you are feeling really brave, end the shower with a cold burst to get that lymph flowing.
I’m no skinny minny, but I’ve not got a major problem with cellulite. And one of the reasons I think is:
Dry skin brushing.
All you need is a loofah which you use on dry skin (not wet which can drag your skin). Make sure the movements are in the direction of the heart. Good bit of exercise first thing in the morning. Environmentally friendly. Cheap.
Drinking plenty of water always helps for these things too (not that I am very good with that either).
And if you are feeling really brave, end the shower with a cold burst to get that lymph flowing.
At 12:14 am,
Buffy said…
I keep planning to do the cold burst thing to get the circulation going but usually just end up sitting in the tub falling asleep beneath the almost hot shower.
(I take mine at 5.45am)
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