Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The many faces of loss

I realised this morning, that I am actually in mourning over a particular relationship that has reached the point of irreconcilable differences (don't worry, the marriage is fine!).

You know when something triggers you to look deeply at a situation or person or relationship and you come to realise with clarity that something is horribly horribly wrong. And then you realise you can't go back but you don't know how to move on?

Well that for me is a type of loss.

A loss of a future that might have been that won't be, the fulfilment of a dream that isn't going to happen, a path that you won't ever take.

But then, as I sit and write this, I realise that as one door closes another always opens and that where we think we are heading, isn't necessarily where we'll end up. And that if you have faith that there is a plan for all of us, then really all we need to do is find the path and then follow it.

And then you realise that it's not really loss at all. It's just a change of direction.

So, here's to (the often painful) unexpected changes of plans and new beginnings... and may their transition be gentle.


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