Switch off your TV properly

I have recently been amazed to learn that Britons waste the equivalent of around two power stations' worth of electricity each year by leaving TV sets and other gadgets on standby. And don’t think that other countries (like Australia and the US) are any better.
Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat's environment spokesman recently calculated that the CO2 emissions from electrical equipment being left on standby are equivalent to 1.4 million long-haul flights.
Can you believe it?
So, if you want to do one good thing for the environment that really makes a difference, it’s get into the habit of turning off your TV when you have finished watching it. How easy is that?
This gives some idea of how you will be helping address a serious environmental and energy problem:
And you’ll not only help the environment, you’ll save money too.
If you are really keen, find out if you’re an energy conserver or guzzler by taking this home energy quiz…
So, here’s to getting up from the sofa and walking over the TV to turn it off properly. And while you’re at it, why not pop into the computer room and switch that and the printer off too.
To simple ways we can all make a difference. Hoorah!
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