
The Long Walk is an allegory for the lives of the 1.1 billion people who currently live without access to clean water, many of whom spend whole days walking miles to collect 20 litres (equivalent to a few flushes of a toilet) of dirty water for their family's cooking, washing, drinking and cleaning needs.
Watch a short preview of the film here
For more information about WaterAid, today’s film and how you can make a difference to global water injustice, please visit http://www.wateraid.org.uk/
So, here's to water and not taking it for granted.
At 12:35 pm,
Anonymous said…
I also walked through Trafalguar Square and saw the large screen. Unfortunetly I felt I was too busy to stop and take a mintue to watch one woman's (what can only be described as an) ordeal to fetch water for her family. After looking at WaterAid's site and reading your comments I am thankful that not everyone is too busy to ignore the plight of the 1.1 billion people that lack access to clean water. That is a shocking statistic and I thank WaterAid for using Ali Hobs' video to highlight this issue. I have become a firm supporter of WaterAid and their work.
At 3:33 pm,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this blog. It is heartening to know that people read this blog! I think it is so important to take moments in life to get perspective on the big picture, but it is easy to get caught up in the everyday stuff. Some other ideas are: consider recycling or taking public transport or turning off your main switch on TV or computer at night. There are so many things that we can all do everyday to make a difference to the environment, other people and our world. Go well and you are always welcome on this blog! Beth
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