Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

the Hundredth Monkey

I've always found the story of the Hundredth Monkey a compelling concept. It basically says that when an idea or concept reaches a critical mass, then it is adopted by the masses.

According to Wikipedia...

The "Hundredth Monkey Effect" is the name for a supposed phenomenon in which a particular learned behaviour spread instantaneously from one group of animals, once a critical number was reached, to all related animals in the region or perhaps throughout the world. Largely due to popularisation of this story, the "Hundredth Monkey Effect" phenomenon is now thought by some to occur in human populations with respect to ideas and beliefs in general even though the original story has been discredited (Myers 1985).

I didn't know until today that it has been hotly debated for years...

My point is not what if it isn't true, but rather: what if it is?

I'm certainly seeing signs of less apathy in the world. People might be showing more exteme views but they are not really sitting on the fence these days. There are two choices: love and fear.

Imagine if love hit critical mass where we all suddenly found ourselves living in this state of consciousness?

We are, after all, living in the Age of Aquarius and for a little Aquarian like me, that's a pretty exciting possibility...


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