Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The ebb and flow

Serenity. Understanding. Wisdom. Serenity. Understanding. Wisdom. Serenity... understanding...wisdom...

Just when you think you have got it all sorted. That life seems blissful and effortless and you at peace with the world and your place in it. Bam! Something happens and you feel like you are in a washing machine, or a car that is veering out of control. or just not right.

I had a bit of a revelation about this the other day. Aside from my: balance is a fluid and transient concept, revelation.

But it is this:

There is peace. Then the next layer reveals itself and you must come to understand and know something new about yourself or the universe or whatever.

This is generally an uncomfortable time and we can label it as 'bad' or losing the plot. We generally try and fix it or wish it to go away. Rather than allowing it to reveal itself to us so that we can grow in our newfound experience and knowledge.

And when it passes (which it does, as it must for balance to be restored) we have a deeper understanding.

For to truely understand the human condition is a journey that takes time, experience, pain and joy. And compassion. And patience.

And then there is wisdom.

For a time.

And when it is integrated, it so begins a new cycle. And it continues.

So cherish the moments of serenity, be grateful for the learnings of understanding and enjoy the moments in between.

Peace to you and your precious heart today.


  • At 7:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lovely to see you are back on line and sharing with the world at large. Love Hels x

  • At 2:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bless you, H. Thank you for being here.


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