Challenging ourselves
I've had IBS for about 5 years now and I think it's starting to become part of my identity. Which means that I was starting to accept that it was part of who I was and probably always would be.
Then the other day, I realised that despite my best efforts at controlling the food I eat, the boxes were just getting smaller and smaller. It's been a journey, but I'm bored now and want to figure out what it's really about.
I realised that (god knows how I missed it up until now) there must be a psychological element to it. And if you know me, I will keep searching now until I get to the bottom of it!
Anyway, the other night lying in bed, this thought arose in my mind in relation to the IBS. That word was suppression.
I got nothing more than this, just suppression. I am kind of used to just getting bits and pieces of information, so was not unduly bothered about this, but took it as a sign of something to explore.
Suppression. Of guilt, someone said, the colon represents guilt. Oh, I said, that's interesting. Maybe I still have some unresolved guilt issues, noting to myself to make some time to look into that a bit more.
Then I went a visited my friend, Ali, who is a wise angel and she said she'd do a tarot reading for me with her lovely Archangel cards. She said did I have a specific question. No I said, then changed my mind and said, well actually, can we look at this IBS and see what the angels have to say about that?
Well, it was one of the clearest readings I've ever had. She said in all the readings she'd done, she'd never got any of those cards.
They said that basically, I needed to spend more time in nature and that the path was all about creativity. That I needed to write more, create more, be more expressive, dance, sing, paint, photograph, cook.
It was a revelation because I see those things as an indulgence, as a luxury, when in fact for me, I feel they might be necessities.
So, I am going to make time to do at least one creative thing every day. Even if it's just dance in the loungeroom to a funky tune.
I will keep you posted on developments.
So, here's to creativity. Because maybe it is medicine for the soul.
Then the other day, I realised that despite my best efforts at controlling the food I eat, the boxes were just getting smaller and smaller. It's been a journey, but I'm bored now and want to figure out what it's really about.
I realised that (god knows how I missed it up until now) there must be a psychological element to it. And if you know me, I will keep searching now until I get to the bottom of it!
Anyway, the other night lying in bed, this thought arose in my mind in relation to the IBS. That word was suppression.
I got nothing more than this, just suppression. I am kind of used to just getting bits and pieces of information, so was not unduly bothered about this, but took it as a sign of something to explore.
Suppression. Of guilt, someone said, the colon represents guilt. Oh, I said, that's interesting. Maybe I still have some unresolved guilt issues, noting to myself to make some time to look into that a bit more.
Then I went a visited my friend, Ali, who is a wise angel and she said she'd do a tarot reading for me with her lovely Archangel cards. She said did I have a specific question. No I said, then changed my mind and said, well actually, can we look at this IBS and see what the angels have to say about that?
Well, it was one of the clearest readings I've ever had. She said in all the readings she'd done, she'd never got any of those cards.
They said that basically, I needed to spend more time in nature and that the path was all about creativity. That I needed to write more, create more, be more expressive, dance, sing, paint, photograph, cook.
It was a revelation because I see those things as an indulgence, as a luxury, when in fact for me, I feel they might be necessities.
So, I am going to make time to do at least one creative thing every day. Even if it's just dance in the loungeroom to a funky tune.
I will keep you posted on developments.
So, here's to creativity. Because maybe it is medicine for the soul.
At 4:22 am,
Ruby said…
Hi Bella Beth,
It is your other Aussie buddy Ruby here. it is always a joy to read your blogs and see how much you have grown and your willingness to take yourself on and get to whats really going on. IBS and suppression sounds logically, maybe it is a means of controlling or suppression and then there is a total loss of that suppression as in your body cannot suppress your drive to be creative but rather then seeing an explosion of creative energy it results in IBS and hence becomes cyclic in nature.
I dont know how it occurs for you but the idea of having a balance in life that sees you having freedom to create may just make the difference.
Anyhow Bella, getting to the bottom of it you will and being creative to boot sounds like a great plan of action.
Bella best wishes with getting down and funky and do't forget to hug a few trees, every goddess needs to feel the earth between her toes and commune with nature. remeber it is that which gives us life.... love ruby
At 8:28 am,
Anonymous said…
Bless you, bursting with life Ruby! Thank you for your words of wisdom. I think some more tree hugging is definitely in order. I am so pleased you are here. Lots of love coming your way..... Beth xxx
At 11:02 am,
Anonymous said…
Hi Beth, Whenever there is something going on with my body, I always ask myself, what are the thoughts, feelings, emotions etc behind this manifestation. I never used to do this. After having kids I was constipated for nearly 2 years. I just put it down to having had kids, I heard it was quite a common "side-effect". Anyway, when I had my first Reiki attunement early last year and it helped open me up Spiritually, it also helped me to take a good look at my life and my relationships. I realised that my constipation was a manifestation of me not living my life the way I should, but the way I thought I should. Basically, I was trying to be someone I wasn't, I was following in my Mum's footsteps and not mine. I realised that it was time to start living MY life's purpose and was literally cured instantly. Problems with the digestive system are most commonly a manifestation of a person not living their hearts desire, supressing their true selves and not following their stongest intuition, which resides in the gut..."Gut instinct". So when we don't follow our intuition, our soul's desire, we literally block ourselves up. Whenever I am going through an emotional experience or in a situation that may not be for my Highest good, the first thing to react is my gut. I am now, for the first time in my life, realising that this gut feeling is like my first link to my Soul and to All that Is, and now, when it's not feeling 'right' I try to ask it why. Beth, your energy just screams Creative, artistic, Goddess...embrace it and indulge yourself, indulge your Soul, it is just itching to be released and indulged. You should never feel guilty about indulging your creativity. Your Soul's purpose here on this earth is to CREATE!!! We are all specks of Divinity, to create is Divine and I say GO For it honey. I love to quote Harrison Ford here from "Mosquito Coast"..."That's why I'm here, that's why I came". This is why God created the Universe, to Create, to express the magnificence of All that Is. I am starting to feel that yearning to create too, not just babies....but to paint! Hmmm, time to go and buy some paints. Lots of love Jill XO
At 7:47 am,
Anonymous said…
Dear Jill What an inspirational posting. I think you have hit the nail on the head. Thanks so much for your guidance. I will post something soon! Love and light, Beth
At 6:08 am,
Anonymous said…
substituting soy or rice products for milk products:
There are a number of dietary changes a person with IBS can make to prevent the overreaction of the gastrocolic reflex and lessen pain, discomfort, and bowel dysfunction. Having soluble fiber foods and supplements, substituting soy or rice products for milk products, being careful with fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in insoluble fiber, and eating frequent meals of small amounts of food, can all help to lessen the symptoms of IBS. Foods and beverages to be avoided or minimized include red meat, oily or fatty and fried products, milk products (even when there is no lactose intolerance), solid chocolate, coffee (regular and decaffeinated), alcohol, carbonated beverages, especially those containing sorbitol or other artificial sweeteners.
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