Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Monday, May 16, 2011

You are not your physicality

Ugh! I feel so fat today and ugly. Got some passport photos taken. And I look yellow. And tried. And OLD! I am feeling so low that I am not sure if they will send my passport back and say that even though I looked like a giant headed prawn in my last photo, that I have aged so much in 10 years that I am unrecognisable. Just writing this makes me feel better because a) who cares b) I think I am being a little irrational!

So, I am over-identifying with my physicality and not loving it! I must remind myself that sure, I can take care of my body and feed it healthy food and give it exercise and treat it with love. That is good to keep the house in order.

But I also know deep down that is not who I am. Yeah well it is some weird saturn full moon happening right now, so forgive me for being a little darker than usual! But there is so much over-identification with the body these days.

Maybe this is a chance to remind me so I can remind you lovely people out there in love land this: You are that which breathes you. You are the witness of the body and the mind and even the emotions. But you are not your body.

So, all is well really. I just forgot that for a moment. So if I want to start a new eating plan or exercise more or whatever, sure, that'd be nice. But it can be a joyous loving care, rather than a a fear based chore. I am also going to do a nice exercise for my art class which will be some life drawings of my body. Was pretty confronting getting some photos taken, but there is one that looks pretty good. Because no matter what, there is something we love about ourselves even if it is just one of the hairs on our head.

So my wish for today is that may all beings know the joy and wonder of their precious heart no matter what sort of house it comes in. And may I see the wonder, love, joy and essence of all beings regardless of their physicality.

Love and light



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