Make time
Hello again. I seem to be feeling moved to write here again which is a pleasure. So thank you for being here also.
Today's message is about making time - even just a few moments - for yourself. To sit quietly, turn the attention inward, take a deep, slow breath, lift your arms up high above your head and give yourself a bit, long, delicious stretch.
For it is in these moments that we reconnect with ourselves, open our ears to the inner voice, feel the love.
It is so important.
Finally it is becoming a not negotiable for me.
I am realising I need it. To feel centred. To feel connected. To love. To recieve. To work. Even to breathe.
When we make space for this quiet time, and to rediscover ourselves within that precious ocean of peace and stillness, it restores our strength, energy and fills the cup once again.
We don't need anything outside ourselves because all that we need is within us. If you want to have a massage, or go out for a nice meal, or buy ourselves a treat, by all means go for it. But you will do it with a sense of want, not need. There will be a conscious choice in the matter.
And when we are ready, we can return to the world refreshed and with a loving and open heart.

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