Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Reclaiming spirit

Another beautiful reminder from Clarissa Pinkola Estes (not a quote this time and I hope I have the sentiment right)...

We can't fix where we've come from
But we can embrace our wildness and reclaim our authentic selves.

This woman simply does not do victim! And neither must we!

So, here's to your liberation whoever you may be. And the joy that comes with setting yourself free.


Another inspiration from Women Who Run With the Wolves:

Balance makes our lives larger
Imbalance makes our lives smaller.

I can totally relate to this. Every time I feel like I am trapped in a small box, I realise, funnily enough that me or my life is totally out of whack.

And I'll let you in on a little secret... balance isn't a fixed state that you reach and there you shall remain. It is a fluid and transient concept, like a swinging pendulum. Sometimes we have it and sometimes we don't.
Thanks to H for introducing me to the concept all those years ago...

So, here's to balance. Because when you grace us with your presence, the heart and world expand.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Women Who Run with the Wolves

I am reading a wonderful book by Clarissa Pinkola Estes called Women Who Run with the Wolves. It is a beautiful exploration of fairy tales and other myths and legends that we know reinterpreted as tales and gifts that allow an exploration of the feminine psyche and invite us all to reclaim our inner wild woman (which represents our authentic selves).

It's not light reading, and last time I read it I had some intense dreams. But if you are in the space for it and prepared to listen to the wisdom that bubbles up from the very depths of your soul, it is a real gift.

There are just so may gems in those pages. Here is just one that I thought was fun and something to aspire to (but please don't think this in any way represents the book):

Ideally, an old woman symbolises dignity, mentoring, wisdom, self knowledge, tradition bearing, well defined boundaries, experience, with a good dose of crabbiness, long toothed, straight talking, flirtacious sass thrown in for good measure. p 225
So, if you feel inspired, get a copy. And let me know how you get on...

Monday, November 13, 2006


We recently went to a wedding in Barcelona. It was such a beautiful event. These two are so loving and kind and generous of spirit.

It was such a lovely service and I found myself in tears for most of it. It was very potent for me because the minister talked about love failing us sometimes and I have found that to be true in my life. It's then that we need to have faith and ask for help - either from our friends or family if we have them or from some divine source (whatever that means for the individual).

After the wedding I felt lighter and as if I had renewed my vows to the beloved. Love certainly isn't something that stands still. It's an ongoing evolution and I'm finding that the more you explore it, the deeper it becomes.

Anyway, I took this photo of our angelitos - because the world is a better place with you in it.


This term in my art course we are looking at light, shadow and transition. I am so excited about it because I have decided to focus on impermanence.

Buddhists have long recognised the impermanence of all natural phenomena and I think it forms the basis of at least one of their noble truths.

But to actually realise everything is impermanent (except nirvana, or bliss, or love consciousness or peace or however you choose to refer to it) is quite a revelation.

a smile... a kiss... a sunset.... a sunrise... a meal... the seasons... shadows...ageing...youth...a rainbow...rain...sun...a blink... autumn leaves falling...clouds...pregnancy... waves in the ocean... bath... footprints... flowers...

I find that so beautiful and amazing.

So here is a photo to celebrate.

To life and it's transient nature.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thought for the day...

“It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.”
G. K. Chesterton