Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Don't let life get you down

I've been a bit lost inside myself the last week or so and I've found myself running around in circles to avoid sitting and letting the inner voice of calm speak to me.

As my friend Ali once said (although far more articulately than this) words to the effect of: God wants us to know all aspects of himself and that includes the joy and the pain. Or put another way: Embrace all our experiences for they allow us to fully know all aspects of our humanity.

So, just for now, I am going to stop running and start listening and start appreciating that all of our experiences are an opportunity to know ourselves and others better and to more fully experience the complexity of our human journey.


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