Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wednesday - just keep going

It has been raining solidly for a couple of days now and when it rains in Nekkies, it sure is miserable. Mud everywhere and so grey, it seems that any glimmer of hope just gets sucked into the clouds.

I think my hero today was Fret - the guy who came a fixed the electricity. A couple of us when on a mission to find him and he came and when that electricity came back on (after two days of dark and gloom), I shouted an almighty 'woooohooo' and started dancing. I have been been so pleased to see the light!

All is not desperate and hopeless. I really believe that two things can happen to people in extreme circumstances. They either find a strength and love so strong it will not break, or they try and escape in a haze of drugs or sex or some other mind numbing activity.

For some people I have seen and met, it really is too late and god knows how I do it, but I can somehow see that and kind of accept it somehow.

To cry would be - quite simply - self indulgent.

What needs to happen, I think, is prevention of it happening BEFORE it happens, or to somehow break those cycles of poverty ...and homelessness...and mental illness...and unemployment...

And you know, I think that is what is happening with MADaboutART. We're not totally there, and time will tell, but with skills, self awareness and lots of love and support (the love and support really does exist within that community), there is hope.

I was talking with a couple of the kids today and I truely felt my heart would break with love. They are so so amazingly loving and gentle and unconditional and forgiving. They give so much just by being themselves.

So, here's to choosing love in the most difficult of circumstances. They sure put things in perspective.


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