
It was such a lovely service and I found myself in tears for most of it. It was very potent for me because the minister talked about love failing us sometimes and I have found that to be true in my life. It's then that we need to have faith and ask for help - either from our friends or family if we have them or from some divine source (whatever that means for the individual).
After the wedding I felt lighter and as if I had renewed my vows to the beloved. Love certainly isn't something that stands still. It's an ongoing evolution and I'm finding that the more you explore it, the deeper it becomes.
Anyway, I took this photo of our angelitos - because the world is a better place with you in it.
At 1:09 pm,
Anonymous said…
pero no se ve el KILT!!!
Me he quedado con las ganas.
Yo tambiñen he renovado mis lazos este puente en la montaña
At 4:08 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hi guapa - I have thought of you every day and the orchidia is fine! Besito and enjoy every second. It is cold here. Me hecho de menos.
At 4:09 pm,
Anonymous said…
Te hecho de menos I meant!
At 5:14 am,
Anonymous said…
Goddess Beth! You share your love and you are loved every where!
Nice to read your words, they inspire me in many different ways.
miss ya always L Sez
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