Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

How lucky we are

I had an interesting house hunting experience today and have decided to embrace rather than fight and be frustrated with the journey. Well, at least for today anyway.

The thing is, we went and saw a place and I asked why they were moving. Normally, people lie to cover up something eg awful neighbours, crappy place that's falling apart, no space, or make some nebulous comment about upgrading or needing to move on.

But this lady looked me in the eye and said they were moving because their grown up daughter (in her late 20's) is too heavy to carry up stairs as she is in a wheelchair and disabled and so they need to move to a house on one level. I was struck in that moment, just how difficult life must be for some people. Day in and day out.

So many things went through my mind about seeing this place. It is so strange to consider living in someone else's home. That they have lived in for the last 30 years. That's got their energy, their memories, their lives embedded into it. That's decorated to their taste and in a way you would not feel comfortable being in unless it was changed to suit yourself.

That in my view it was too expensively priced and that to tell them what you think is reasonable would be not only rude but also would take money directly out of their own pocket. And who needs the money more?

It was a sobering experience.

So today, to the family whose home we couldn't offer to buy. I would love to help you out, I really would. May you find a buyer who is delighted with taking over your home and making it their own. And may you find a beautiful home for you, your husband and your family.


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