What magic power would you choose?
Recently, I have been thinking about which magic power I would choose if I could have only one. And I have decided that the one I would like the most would be the ability to materialse and dematerialise, so enabling me to simply think of being somewhere and I would instantly be transported.
It would solve so many things for me: getting home after a long day/ evening out and wanting so much to be horizontal with my head on the pillow. No more aching feet. Being able to catch up with friends that I miss terribly and hardly ever see for a coffee/lunch/dinner. Being able to go to my niece's/nephew's birthday party (now impossible as they live on the other side of the world). Having the afternoon off, so flitting over to sun myself on a nice Spanish/Greek/Italian beach somewhere....
So, today I am curious to know: What magic power would you pick if you could have it?
It would solve so many things for me: getting home after a long day/ evening out and wanting so much to be horizontal with my head on the pillow. No more aching feet. Being able to catch up with friends that I miss terribly and hardly ever see for a coffee/lunch/dinner. Being able to go to my niece's/nephew's birthday party (now impossible as they live on the other side of the world). Having the afternoon off, so flitting over to sun myself on a nice Spanish/Greek/Italian beach somewhere....
So, today I am curious to know: What magic power would you pick if you could have it?
At 2:57 pm,
Yodood said…
As with the question, "If you could have anything you want, what would it be?" — The moment a desire arises it is as powerful a sensation as the achivement of its object will ever be. Before the first step, the journey is over.
The funny thing about wishing for magic powers is that if you can imagine it you can achieve it, but — the miraculousness of the feat must be understood to be no more than yet another variation of the Tao's myriad of manifestations and really no bigger a deal than the rest we take for granted. Understanding this, one would not be inclined to try to impress others with such powers lest one lose them by making them seem magic again. Maya's veil is no ordinary silk.
At 3:08 pm,
Anonymous said…
I agree with your point, Gregrandgar, but it's fun to play sometimes. So, what magic powers have you got?
At 1:28 am,
Yodood said…
None. That is my point. If I thought they were magic I wouldn't, as you say, "have" them. It is more a process of accepting our unlimited potential.
Trish's comment before mine is a good example. She says flying is possible in her dreams, but awkward labor. In my dreams, it is not so much flying but more like levitating to reduce friction and then concentrating on and leaning toward a location to produce motion through attraction, like gravity more than magnetism. This "flying" feels so natural and right that it causes acute acrophobia in my waking state because I am convinced that if I get close enough to tyhe edge of a precipice my organ of levitation, which is several feet in front of my physical body and is the true center of gravity for me, will cause me to keep on going over the edge. But since I still haven't gotten beyond the miraculousness of that possibility, I fall short of "having" that magic power. I do much better with less overt "magic" like remote viewing and astral projection. The most worthy power is the ability to behold the Tao, which obviates all need for the concept, much less any performance of magic. For me at least.
At 1:30 am,
Yodood said…
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