How beautiful it is to hear of someone opening to the world of spirit.
You may have started noticing strange things occuring that simply cannot be explained with the rational mind. And deep down you know it is something more. You may be starting to feel with a deep certainty that there exists a world beyond what you have ever known and you know you must explore it and find out more. A couple of friends of mine have shared this with me recently, and I know there are many more people out there who are going through the same thing.
Many people think that to connect with spirits you need to go to an expert.
Well let me tell you this - you already know the person who can help you most. And that, my friend, is you!
Once this new connection starts to reveal itself to you can either choose to ignore it or choose to nurture it.
If you decide to ignore it, you might be giving up one of the most beautiful gifts you have ever been offered. But chances are, it won't have come to you unless you were ready.
So, then, how to nurture it?
Spend time with it. Get to know it. Explore it. Like making a new friend. Make time to be together.
It might be different for you, but a couple of things that have worked well for me have been doing creative activities, like writing, drawing, dancing and singing.
Here are some ideas to get you started...
1. Automatic writing – put pen to paper and see what comes. Don’t judge it, just write whatever pops into your head. Words, colours, memories, images…
2. Ask a question with your dominant hand (right hand if right hander, left hand if left hander) and then write the answer with the non dominant hand
3. Letter to someone – who you may have ended a relationship with e.g. friend, partner, family member; to yourself/inner child telling yourself how you feel; to an illness you have and what you think and feel about it; to someone who died before you were born who you would like to get to know better
4. Sit down with a cup of tea and think about the person. Start a conversation with them and see what happens. Trust what comes.
So, let me know how you get on. I hope you for this becomes one of the most loving, peaceful and nurturing relationships you will ever know.
Love and light