I am not one (knowingly) for using Americanisms with the exception of one - funky. How much nicer is it to talk of something awful as funky than as, in this case, fungally, or festy or filthy. Funky kind of makes it OK and less repugnant (at least for me anyway).
However, I digress from today's topic, which is the state of a couple of my toenails. Not lightly admitted in public, and the only reason I am telling you this is because if any of you out there have ever had a toenail infection, you will know it is really revolting and exceedingly difficult to get rid of.
Well, so I thought.
The current standard of treatment in the medical world is this vile stuff called Lamisil, which can be taken orally or applied to the offending nail/s. The oral treatment basically destroys your insides and can compromise your liver and has a variety of other possible side effects. Oh and did I mention is extremely expensive? Not an option for me, thanks. So then the alternative is you can apply this nail varnish to the nail every few days for 6-12 months (maybe longer) and I can say I tried it and it didn't work.
So, I came across this website which offered some hope as it suggests lots of altenative home treatments that have been tried and tested, like Vicks Vaporub, distilled vinegar, oregano oil etc...
http://georgestancliffe.freewebsitehosting.com/Anyway, I decided on the daily Vicks Vaporub, filing the nail every couple of days and sporadic distilled vinegar foot baths (which I've not done because it's too much hassle so I just apply some to the nail when I have more than 5 minutes in the morning).
I've been putting the Vicks on daily for what must be about 3 weeks now (checked diary and it is 3 1/2 weeks) and today a miracle happened. I was filing my big toe nail and the bit that's gone a bit yellow (no foot modelling for me for a while, but hey, I gave up those aspirations some time ago) split off and left behind a lovely fresh looking rest of the nail.
The point is, I feel we are making progress and something positive is happening to the little treasures (aka funky toenails). So, I will keep on going and keep you posted on developments.
It's a long term project, but I can see the possible light of success at the end of the tunnel. And I will keep on with my affirmation about embracing life's path, as the feet represent moving forward apparently.
So, for all those people out there with funky toenails. You are not alone. Why not try the Vicks or Vinegar option? You've got nothing to lose...