Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Going with the flow

It's all very easy to be centred, balanced and loved up when things are going well and as planned. But it can be quite a different story to remain peaceful when life just seems to go, how shall I put this, tits up...

But the thing I realised yesterday is that no matter what is happening in terms of the details of life, we still have a choice.

We can choose to get pissed off, stressed, annoyed, whatever if plans constantly change or someone doesn't do what we want or things don't turn out as we thought they would or thought we wanted them to.

Or, we can see that ultimately, things will happen as they happen.

And we can choose to focus our energy on fighting it, or wanting it to be something else, or wasting our precious energy on stress.

Or we can decide that there is nothing we can do to control the details and decide to enjoy the unfolding of the uncertain path ahead. It will either work out or it won't. It'll either be OK or something else will happen.

How many times have you worried or stressed out about something and the reality of it was no where near as what you had imagined it to be? Me - countless times.

But when you ask yourself, in this very moment, right now, right here, how are things? Generally, the answer is that they are at least manageable, if not actually OK.

So, for today, I have decided to plunge myself willing into the abyss of the unknown.

I'm not sure where I'll be sleeping tonight, but I'll have a bed somewhere (something to be grateful for). I've washed my hair and most of my clothes are ready to be packed just in case I need to leave in a hurry.

And until I know what's happening, I'll relax into the not knowing.

Cup of tea, anyone?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thought for the day...

Love One Another.

It's as simple, and difficult, as that.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Breathing out

Lately I've been reflecting on things. Not in an overly analytical but rather a more gentle, meditative kind of way and it has been quite lovely.

And one of the things that came to me today was just how wonderful and special it is to find a person or a group of people with whom you can truely be yourself with.

Who see you for who you really are. Where you can breathe out. Who when you are together the big stuff doesn't seem so big and the little stuff doesn't matter.

To the gentle healing that friendship brings. Like a soothing brook nurturing the soul...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Going mental

About this time each year, I go a bit mental. Inexplicably, I seem to regress to a former state of insecurity, irrationality and general loss of plotness. That's never good and no matter how hard I try to curtail it, then deal with it, or whatever, it doesn't seem to help. I analyse every detail of my life to the gazillionth degree and still find no answers.

At some stage in the process I will realise that the only thing that works is surrender, by which time I have hopefully managed not to alienate those who I love the most (honey please try to remember all the loveliest things about me right now!). Or drunk too much. Or eaten too much chocolate.

I might even have a friend who suggests that painting might help.

I'll cry and generally not cope with life for a few weeks and feel I am returning 'back there' to the darkest abyss from which I thought I would never escape.

And then I will remember. That it's that time of year again. Coming up to the anniversary of her death. It was a terrible time for me and right about now, was when I amidst the darkest part of it.

No matter what I do, it's always the same.

So, to all those lovely people out there missing someone you have loved and lost.

May you find peace, love and tenderness in your sadness. Our loved ones are safe and free. Let us not suffer too much but rather reflect on how very blessed we were to have known and loved that person/s and that if we loved them that much, they must surely have loved us too.

They are our guardian angels now.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

What magic power would you choose?

Recently, I have been thinking about which magic power I would choose if I could have only one. And I have decided that the one I would like the most would be the ability to materialse and dematerialise, so enabling me to simply think of being somewhere and I would instantly be transported.

It would solve so many things for me: getting home after a long day/ evening out and wanting so much to be horizontal with my head on the pillow. No more aching feet. Being able to catch up with friends that I miss terribly and hardly ever see for a coffee/lunch/dinner. Being able to go to my niece's/nephew's birthday party (now impossible as they live on the other side of the world). Having the afternoon off, so flitting over to sun myself on a nice Spanish/Greek/Italian beach somewhere....

So, today I am curious to know: What magic power would you pick if you could have it?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Kindness first

I've got a friend who sometimes will go for the kill in an argument, even when she doesn't really know the people (although they may be friends of mine!).

I couldn't work out what it was about this that bothered me so much.

Then I realised it was because for me, I would not do it for many reasons. One being I wouldn't want to embarrass my friend who had invited me into a new social circle. Secondly, I wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of the person with a different view. Third, I could be wrong in my perspective, and going for the kill slams shut the door for any possibility of seeing another point of view. Fourth, if someone can't see I am right, why would I bother trying to convince them otherwise?!

But the thing at the heart of the matter was that she was most concerned about getting the other person to realise they were wrong and she was right. At whatever cost, she wanted to get her point across and didn't give a damn about the other person's feelings, experiences or perspective (my friend!).

I think the trade offs between kindness and being right do change depending on the situation.

But the next time you or someone you knows starts to get in a fight to the death about their point of view, may they momentary ask themselves: what is more important here: being right or being kind?

Monday, July 10, 2006

To the angels

I'm not sure if most people fully appreciate how many angels there are (both in physical and non physical form) who are completely there for us. To help, guide, support and nurture our highest good.

They may not give you what you want, but they will certainly give you what you need.

I received this lovely St Theresa's prayer today which I'd like to share. If God is a problematic term for you, try substituting 'love' or highest good' or 'great spirit':

May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received,and pass on the love that has been given to you.... May you be content knowing you are a child of God.... Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It isthere for each and every one of us.
Angels can only help us if they are invited to do so. They will not impose themselves on us.
So, if you need a helping hand, send out a wish to the angels (or a specific one like St Theresa) and delight in what comes to you. It might be an inner voice, you might like to write down your question on a piece of paper and then write the answer with your other hand, you might receive an email or hear a song, you might draw or paint or dance it.
Our creativity can be a way of connecting with the divine in us and that comes through us.
So, for today, may you celebrate all who you are and cherish the wonder that is you. Amen.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

How lucky we are

I had an interesting house hunting experience today and have decided to embrace rather than fight and be frustrated with the journey. Well, at least for today anyway.

The thing is, we went and saw a place and I asked why they were moving. Normally, people lie to cover up something eg awful neighbours, crappy place that's falling apart, no space, or make some nebulous comment about upgrading or needing to move on.

But this lady looked me in the eye and said they were moving because their grown up daughter (in her late 20's) is too heavy to carry up stairs as she is in a wheelchair and disabled and so they need to move to a house on one level. I was struck in that moment, just how difficult life must be for some people. Day in and day out.

So many things went through my mind about seeing this place. It is so strange to consider living in someone else's home. That they have lived in for the last 30 years. That's got their energy, their memories, their lives embedded into it. That's decorated to their taste and in a way you would not feel comfortable being in unless it was changed to suit yourself.

That in my view it was too expensively priced and that to tell them what you think is reasonable would be not only rude but also would take money directly out of their own pocket. And who needs the money more?

It was a sobering experience.

So today, to the family whose home we couldn't offer to buy. I would love to help you out, I really would. May you find a buyer who is delighted with taking over your home and making it their own. And may you find a beautiful home for you, your husband and your family.

Things I've learned from meditating

I was having a chat last night with a girl in a club and for some reason she asked me what I had learned about meditating. I'm not even sure how the question came about, as I must have said something about it in my somewhat cocktail-ified state, but anyway, I thought it was an interesting question and I said, 'are you sure you want to know?' and she said 'yes', so this is what I said...

I've learned to watch the biochemistry of my brain change from one state to another and the change does pass.
I've seen that 'all this' ie the physical/material world in which we live, is simply detail.
That buddhist monks rock, and by that I mean I am hard pressed to find a more worthy way to spend one's time than seeking enlightenment and the truth of who you are.
That intention is crucial.
That there are only two choices - love and fear.

I think I might add to this list as I go on.

So, that's it from me for tonight. May the force be with you!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let there be love

I've had an interesting couple of days being annoyed at someone about something and letting my own fears of the future get in the way of now.

Luckily, I have some good friends who gently reminded me that sometimes wanting to change someone else is about seeing in them something you want to change in yourself.

What sweet liberation to realise you can actually do something in that situation instead of feeling annoyed and powerless.

Funnily enough, I am now feeling better, smiling again and am more in control about my own situation and am less concerned about the other person who is more than capable of dealing with their own stuff without being hassled by me!

So, hurrah for honest friends who are brave enough to be truthful with us. Thank you for your kind and loving words. Amen xxxx

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

You can't beat an Aussie organic

I've always tried to use natural health and beauty products like Aesop and Lush, as well as every natural deodorant imaginable (have finally decided they just don't work for me, but Sanex does a nice one in roll on)...

Obviously it's also important to be healthy on the inside as well as putting nice things on the outside, like getting omega 3s, drinking plenty of water, not smoking and all that.

But anyway, I'd like to introduce you to a new range I have just discovered called Australian Organics -

They are free of all the nasty by products of the commercial beauty and petrochemical world, like Parabens, Sodium Lauryl Sulphates and Propylene Glycol.

I've got the body moisturiser and just about to try the shampoo and conditioner. Will let you know what it's like.

So, here's to natural beauty all the way from the motherland.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I've been doing this for 6 months almost!

Well I'm in my 6th month of blogging. Not that I have managed to write an entry every day, but it is an interesting process and for anyone out there who might be interested, I am going to keep it up.

It's a lovely reminder to make time for the sacred in life and to make time for me.

So, here's to blogs... and may they be plentiful. Amen!

The inevitability of change

I don't know about anyone else, but I sometimes find change difficult. For the last year or so, the Beloved has been travelling a lot for work. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. We're talking 70% of the time away and when he is here, he is busily trying to catch up on the life that he has missed while he's been away, play some football and study for possibly the most difficult accounting exams known to man.

So, coupled with my completely routine-less life, it can augur for quite a chaotic existance at times.

Most of the time, I am OK about it. I am pretty flexible, live in the moment as much as possible and adapt quite quickly to change. But just at the moment, I am over it. I'm fed up of having to constantly adjust and readjust to the comings and goings of someone else who flits in and out of my life with irregular frequency.

I want a holiday. I want a bit of down time from it all.

But mostly, I am tried of having to grow. I never wanted to be with someone who would let me stagnate and stop growing. But right now, it seems kind of constant and that is hard work.

So, what is my lesson in all of this I wonder?

To be yourself and enjoy the process of discovery. To let it be what it is and go with the flow of life. Embrace it, don't fight it. And watch the magnficence of bliss unfold before you.

So, to embracing change and the newness it creates. May the transitions be loving, peaceful and kind. Amen.