Rediscovering Avalon

This is a site dedicated to the most important things to me, like love, inner peace, joy, kindness. A site dedicated to people discovering, or re-discovering the wonderous magical truth of who they are.

Friday, March 31, 2006

I want to be inspired

My beloved and I are looking for a new home and well, we've got off to a pretty slow start (I don't know about you, but I think looking at two places in three months is slow!).

Anyway, today I have realised that I have only one major criteria for our new abode... that it is inspiring.

I was to feel inspired to enjoy it, work in it, sleep in it, have people to stay, keep it clean, decorate it, make it ours, gaze outside, paint, cook, read, sit quietly, love, create a peaceful sanctuary from the world, be, have friends round for a cuppa...

And that's it.

So, here's to our new inspiring home, wherever you may be. I trust that you know who you are and we just have to find you!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Weddings, parties, insanity

A fellow Aquarian Pig is getting married this year. It's a joy that she is marrying her own love god, but the stress has seeped into her veins and she is finding it all a bit much right now.

I know that getting married is stressful to some extent for every bride. It's a right of passage which if engaged in consciously does bring some 'stuff' to the surface.

To ease the feeling of overwhelmedness, we have decided to enlist some help from above and I am about to go and do a little abundance and joy of wedding invocation for her.

So, here's to you, bride to be. May your passage to marriage be as wonderous as you are and remember, the angels are with you. xx

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Switch off your TV properly

I have recently been amazed to learn that Britons waste the equivalent of around two power stations' worth of electricity each year by leaving TV sets and other gadgets on standby. And don’t think that other countries (like Australia and the US) are any better.

Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat's environment spokesman recently calculated that the CO2 emissions from electrical equipment being left on standby are equivalent to 1.4 million long-haul flights.

Can you believe it?

So, if you want to do one good thing for the environment that really makes a difference, it’s get into the habit of turning off your TV when you have finished watching it. How easy is that?

This gives some idea of how you will be helping address a serious environmental and energy problem:

And you’ll not only help the environment, you’ll save money too.

If you are really keen, find out if you’re an energy conserver or guzzler by taking this home energy quiz…

So, here’s to getting up from the sofa and walking over the TV to turn it off properly. And while you’re at it, why not pop into the computer room and switch that and the printer off too.

To simple ways we can all make a difference. Hoorah!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Making a sacred space

I have, for many years, had a special place in my home set aside as an Altar. This is the place in the house where I have some of my special things.

It reminds me that I need to make time for being quiet and focusing on the Divine in one form or another. As I have lived in cities or rented one room of an apartment or house, space has been at a premium. But this has not stopped me from setting up camp on anything from a table to a covered shoe box!

All you need to set up an altar is:
  • A bit of space eg on the floor or on a table or shelf somewhere
  • A scarf or piece of fabric to cover it (if you want to)
  • Things that have special meaning for you eg photos, bits of shell or rocks, a piece of jewellery, a card, a painting or picture you have done...
  • A candle (I think this invokes loving beings to the space)
  • An image of a Diety or Angelic being that you can relate to eg Buddha, Jesus, Mary....
  • Some people even put fresh flowers or burn incense on their altar - it's entirely up to you

Then, as you set up the space and assemble your altar, ask that it be a place where you can come to renew yourself or find peace in yourself or make quiet time for reflection - whatever you feel you need it to be.

This site has quite a few references to books give ideas to help you design your altar:

So, here's to altars and making a space to celebrate the Divine in our daily lives!

Monday, March 27, 2006

The strange roundabout

A friend of mine told me today that she and her husband have split up. From what I can gather, it's for good. I always find it sad when couples decide that for whatever reason, it's just not going to work out and they would be happier apart than together.

But as I said to her, as one door closes, another always opens. It has to, to balance. This is quite different from the 'out with the old, in with the new' sentiment we sometimes hear bandied around.

As one door closes, another always opens.

This reminds me of the inevitability of change and the promise of a new hope, a new beginning. When all seems lost, or for new experiences to come to us, there must be the passing of old ways of doing and seeing things.

So, for all those people who are painfully, joyously, confusedly in the process of closing a door, may you find the courage to do what you know you must, and may the new door opening bring you love, abundance, hope, freedom and light.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Middle Road

I have finally started reading a book called Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. It is probably one of the top 10 spiritual texts ever written. His work brought yoga to the West.

Apparently, even one month after he died, Yogananda's body showed no signs of decay. An indescribably conscious or enlightened being.

Anyway, in the book he talks about the middle road. His father, who having recently recieved a large and unexpected windfall and showing no signs of happiness, said to Yogananda's apparently perplexed younger brother:

'The one who pursues the road of evenmindedness is neither jubilant with gain nor depressed by loss. He knows that man arrives penniless in this world and departs without a single rupee'.

So, that is my sentiment for today. To the millions of buddhists and anyone who seeks the middle way...may you find it and relish in, not its bordeom, but its liberation.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday's angel is......

I don't know if any of you are into Angels, but if I can in any small way play a part in your discovery of them or even faith that they exist, then I will be a very happy camper.

Anyway, as today is Friday and I am thinking of starting a Friday's Angel entry, I thought I would introduce you to one that you may not have heard of.

Who are the 4 Archangels? Apparently there are 8, but I only knew of 4 until recently and the 4th is little known.

Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and .....

Well, it's Uriel.

While he doesn't blow his own trumpet, he is meant to be very wise and can help in many areas of life. You can call on him for assistance with lots of things - helping clarify what can be done in the event of natural disasters, for writing, for studies, for problem solving, for spiritual understanding.

So, if you want some help, call on Uriel to help clarify the situation and see what comes into your mind. Sit quietly and sincerely ask that he come to your aid. You might even like to write down any thoughts that arise, or notice what you feel drawn to.

For more information on communing with the angels, I can highly recommend Doreen Virtue's book - Archangels and Ascended Masters. The best £10 you'll ever spend.

So here's to Uriel and here's to you.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sunny winter walks and God sky

Can you believe that there are some 29.3 million blogs? I thought I was an early adopter but no, some people have been blogging for years, and some even full time. There is even big money to be made for a select few...

Surprisingly, this has not put me off creating my own one.

I can't say I'm infused with inspiring wisdom today having sat at my computer or procrastinating over work for most of the day.

But I did manage to slip out for a walk in the greenery near home and then saw an amazing sunset that I took a great pic of on my phone but I am having technical difficulties with uploading that right now, so I raced downstairs and took this one with my camera. Not amazing, but a chance for you to maybe breathe in the love of what I call Divine or God sky. lovely crisp sunny winter walks and God sky...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sexual health education - what a disaster

I am currently learning more about the way that sex education is delivered in schools in the UK and it is, frankly, appauling.

Did you know that Britain has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) in Europe (if not the world)??

We are letting our young people down because they are just not learning about it, or they are in some places but not in others.

My question today is: Do you think sex education should be compulsory in schools and why?

Let me know what you think.

Here's to finding a way to help young people learn about sex and how to look after themselves.


Monday, March 20, 2006

The miracle of life

I had the wonderous honour of going to see my friend's unborn baby today via ultrasound. What a miracle to see.

The lady put some gel on the beautiful bump and within seconds there was a picture and a heartbeat. How amazing. I could have watched for hours seeing that little person inside. The baby did a full 360 in there while we were watching. And we even saw the face. It was kind of like watching an underwater movie in black and white that you just wanted to keep watching.

So here's to the incredible gift of life and to the little angel growing inside its mummy.

PS Can't resist showing off my niece. She is a divine shining light.

Inspiration affirmation

I've never been a huge advocate of affirmations, but I am starting to see that they can really help change the way we perceive and interact with things.

I recently started using this one, which I have posted to my shower screen, and have noticed some lovely experiences coming into my life.

Try it if you feel inspired...

I lovingly embrace all the steps of my journey's path
I welcome inspiration to come to me and through me
Let it be so
So, here's to your inspiration, whatever that may be.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bring on spring

How can we still be getting snow when the blossoms have started already?

It is still bitterly cold here, even though it is mid March. And we had some lovely sun today, which gives me hope that spring is trying her best to break through.

Fame or fortune?

If you had to decide between the two, would you rather be rich or famous? And why?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The power lies within you

There are many ways to say the same thing but words resonate with people in different ways.

I will move on from personal empowerment tomorrow I promise, but today I have this quote:

'The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives'. William James

So, here's to your inner liberation.

Monday, March 13, 2006

What is my lesson here?

Carrying on the general theme from yesterday...

No matter how awful or painful or hurtful a person, situation, event, feeling,, it is always possible to ask for the lesson and grow from it.

Sometimes it's easier not to, but there's always the option.

In doing so, one regains power over the situation and the possibility to move on.

So, here's to embracing the lessons presented to us. Amen!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


'You need to forgive her', I hear a whisper in my ear and I know instantly that 'her' is that 'nasty photo woman' I have been obsessing over.

Ahhh forgiveness.

Sometimes you seem so far away from me, I prefer to be angry and eating up inside and thinking up ways to hurt, rather than letting your cool, loving breeze soothe my soul and wash away my pain.

I've heard it said (probably by some wise old sage or the Dalai Lama or someone) that our enemies are our greatest teachers and I suppose I am starting to learn some of its truth.

If one works on the premise that all events, situations, people etc 'out there' are actually reflections of, or opportunities to learn, heal or discover 'in ourselves', then I can see some truth in that. Because it is hardest to be totally honest with ourselves over the things we reject or find so hurtful in ourselves. But it also gives us the opportunity to get some power back when all seems hopeless or lost.

So to that woman I have let sully the loveliness and kindness I felt surrounded my wedding: I forgive you for not being the way I wanted you to be and I set you free.

Ahhh forgiveness.

To you and your loveliness and your lightness and your peace.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The key to world peace

Imagine for a moment if everyone chose love, not fear.

I truely believe that if everyone knew who they were, and loved themselves and honoured themselves enough to follow their hearts, then we would have world peace.

World peace starts with individuals finding inner peace.

So here's to recognising that the power lies within us to change ourselves and by doing so, to change our world.

Hay wire communication

If anyone feels that communication with others (or themselves) seems to be going wrong at the moment, or that emails, phone messages or texts are going missing or being misunderstood...

Don't worry. You are not alone. It will pass.

I think it's something in the stars ...

So, here's to finding our way through the complexity of communication, especially when it seems to go a bit pear shaped.

Gratitude Diary

In the craziness of life, it is often easy to get caught up in negative thinking or to forget how much we have to be grateful for. Gratitude is like food for the soul and needs to be fed often and much.

So today, why not start a gratitude diary?

Get a nice book (I always prefer blank pages) - it can be big or small but often small is good because it can be easily slipped into a bag or tucked away in a private drawer somewhere.

Each day, write down 5 things you are grateful for. Be it a person, feeling, food, piece of music, opportunity, thought, idea... whatever tickles your fancy.

This is your Gratitude Diary. I am sure this idea is not an original of mine, but I think it is a wonderful experience, I wanted to share it.

So, here's to Gratitude. And here's to you!

Love Beth xx

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


All photos on here are done by me, unless otherwise stipulated, which means I have the copyright. Oh and the poems are too, unless identified. Just so you know as copyright of materials is a bit of a sore point for me at the moment.

A supposed friend kindly agreed to give us our wedding photos as a gift. It was a mutually beneficial thing as she was wanting to start a business taking professional photos and it was a chance for her and her partner came to the wedding as guests.

They came, they ate, they took the pics, they let us pay for their hotel so they would not be too out of pocket and then they decided to cash in (their new house move cost more than expected). Can you believe it?!

And we have no legal rights whatsoever. as that it was a wedding present was not put in writing. As if you would say to your wedding guests: Can you please put that in writing that you are giving us the photos as a present? They have all the rights to all our photos and we just have to pay for them and never have a digital copy of the pics. And the photos are pretty crap anyway.

Why would anyone want a record of someone else's most intimate moments of happiness and deny that person the right?

There, so it's off my chest now. I think I have moved on. No more moaning as have already been through the rage, embarrassment, frustration, sadness... etc....

So here's to creative expression and the joyous sharing of it and other people's happiness. Amen

Good night sweet heart

Tonight, I am as Sabalicious would say, Brain Fry. So tired I think I will do a bit of this (meditating) while in bed!

It's amazing how knackering life is sometimes and you just have to stop, have a cup of tea, go for a walk, take a bath, cook a decent meal, go to bed early.

To self nurture, whatever form that may take. And may it be plentiful...

PS I took this photo of myself meditating. Or at least pretending to... lying down... whatever...

Monday, March 06, 2006


A guy I used to work with has just had a baby girl and named her Kailash.

Quite an unusual name I thought, as I hadn't realised he and his wife were quite so spiritually inclined.

But did you know that Kailash, or Mount Kailash, is a mountain in Tibet. Actually it is considered to be the world's most venerated holy place and is the supremely sacred site of four religions and billions of people.

Unlike most other sacred sites, though, it is seen by no more than a few thousand pilgrims each year, due to its isolation (far western Tibet) and the hazardous climbing conditions.

This site has a great explanation and picture of this most sacred mountain:

So, here's to Kailash, or Kai for short. May she be as special as her namesake...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Words cost us lives

I saw this phrase on a Tube poster the other day and it reminded me of how I felt really upset about the recent situation with 'those Danish cartoons'.

While I agree that freedom of speech is a good thing, I was amazed how little attention was paid to the other side of that coin which is:

You must take responsibility for those words you choose to freely speak.

Words have the power to hurt or heal, slander or support, cut or calm, ruin or respect...

So, here's to choosing to be freely loving with our speech.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The healing presence that is Ali

I met Ali at a two-day Indian Head Massage course last year.

The moment she walked in the room, it was love at first sight. That woman emanates pure, unconditional love.

She's the one who set up this site for me in exchange for some angel time and that is definitely part of what this is all about for me.

Ali is a healing force and here is her website:

So, here's to Ali. Thank you for nurturing my weary soul this week and for being so devoted to the love! xx

Friday, March 03, 2006

Meet Kuan Yin

I wanted to tell you about Kwan Yin. Her name means ‘she who hears prayers’.

She is an Asian Goddess or enlightened Bodhisattva. This means that she has such love for humanity, instead of becoming a Buddha, she has devoted her existence to helping human spirits become enlightened.

She is known for her compassion, kindness and unconditional love.

I think that is amazing.

So, if anyone needs some divine assistance, just quietly sit for a moment and ask for her guidance.

So, here’s to Kwan Yin. Such gratitude for your presence.

Spare a thought for the homeless

I often think of people who don't have a home, especially when it's bitterly cold.

I think homelessness is the worst kind of poverty.

It was snowing yesterday and I thought of the thousands of people who have to find somewhere to sleep, not just tonight, but every night.

I'm so grateful for my bed, my hot shower and a nice warm cup of tea.

Here's to counting the blessings, however small they may be...